Trust God for Employment When You Have Lost Your Job

Photo of a man who iis depressed because he lost his job.The nation’s economic crisis has forced many companies to downsize operations and lay off workers. As a result, employees are then left without jobs and wondering where – or if – they will be able to find work. When we are unemployed with no prospects, the most important thing a Christian can do is trust God for employment, and look to Him for guidance. 

Who is your source?

Being without a steady income tests our belief in who is our actual source. Is it our employer or is it God? God is our ultimate source, and our employment is just one of the many ways God meets our needs.

So many times when our channel of supply dries up, we feel that we won’t be able to meet the needs of our families. However, we forget that God can use people or uncommon methods to bring us what we need.

Elijah trusted God

We read in the book of 1 Kings 17 of a most unusual way God supplied food to one of his servants. God sent ravens to deliver food to the prophet Elijah during a drought. Later, when the brook dried up and Elijah no longer had drinking water available, God sent him to Zarephath. And there, Elijah met a widow who was facing starvation and death (1Kings 17:12).

Elijah told the widow to prepare him some food. Additionally, with Elijah’s request came a promise from God: “…(your) barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth,” (vs. 14). God was testing this woman’s faith and at the same time, providing food for Elijah. As a result, the woman did as Elijah asked and trusted in God to fulfill His promise to her. Likewise, if we truly believe that God will keep His promises to us, our provisions will not fail, “according to the Word of the Lord” (vs.16).

The Fear Factor

It is not hard to trust God for employment in the first few weeks of being unemployed. However, when the weeks turn into months and funds in your bank account begin to dwindle, your faith may give way to fear. You may begin to wonder: “Why is it taking so long for God to help me find a job? Doesn’t He know I have bills to pay? Doesn’t He care?” If this should happen, do not despair. God knows what you are going through and He really does care (1 Peter 5:7).

How to trust God for employment

Here are a few suggestions on what to do when you face financial uncertainty after losing your job.

  • Remind God of His Word. Find Scriptures in which God declares that He will care for His people and not abandon them. Then, repeat them out loud, and say them as prayers to Him.
  • Pray and ask God for direction. Ask God such questions as: “Father, where would you have me to look for a job? Show me who I need to be connected with, and who can help me with my search.” Besides this, seek God about possibly relocating. Sometimes God uses a job loss to force you to move from your current residence or to change careers.
  • Ask God to show you how to pay your outstanding debts. Monthly financial obligations, such as mortgage, rent, car payments and household bills have to be paid while you are unemployed. Trust God to give you a strategy for meeting these obligations.
  • Give tithes and offerings, if you are still receiving compensation. You might not be able to give at the same level as when you were working, but God will bless your giving, if it is in obedience to His Word (Luke 6:38). 
  • Limit the amount of time you spend watching or listening to news reports about the country’s unemployment rates. The more you listen to it, the more you may lose hope that you will find another job.
  • Spend time alone with God each day and thank Him in advance for your new employment. The Bible says we are to give thank despite our circumstances for this is God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
  • Seek God when a job offer comes to make sure this is the one that He wants you to have. God has given each of us unique abilities and gifts to accomplish His will for our lives (see 1 Corinthians 12). As we seek Him, He will direct us in our employment decisions and make known the vocation He desires for us.
  • Don’t isolate yourself from others. Remember, you are not alone; there are many who are faced with the same problem. Make sure you develop a close network of people with whom you feel comfortable talking about your situation. Spend time in prayer and fellowship with them.
    Make sure your aim is to do what is right and pleasing to God. He is further developing your character, integrity and faith in these times. Moreover, God has given us assurance in Matthew 21:22:”And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” In addition to this, God has assured us that all things will work together for our good, if we love Him (Romans 8:28).

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For more detail, click on the book below.

Book Link: Devotional Book for the Unemployed