The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength


Joy of the Lord

No matter what happens or doesn’t happen in our lives, the joy of the Lord is the strength of the Believer. It is a deeper and abiding inner experience which goes beyond all outward circumstances. Also, the joy of the Lord rests in the Believer’s knowledge that God is sovereign and in control of all things. 

Where does the joy of the Lord come from?

God’s joy is a “Fruit of the Spirit.” It is a product of the Holy Spirit in the lives of maturing Believers (Galatians 5:22-23). And, the Holy Spirit’s ability to grow fruit in us isn’t dependent on life’s circumstances. Jesus says in John 15:4, (NLT), “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” So, we see here that the Fruit of the Spirit comes as a result of daily communion with God. And, obeying His Word through the guidance and power of His Spirit.

Joy in the midst of trials

The Apostle Paul experienced many trials and sufferings. If anyone knew about suffering, it was Paul. Yet, in 2 Corinthians 6:10 he wrote: “…sorrowful, yet always rejoicing…” And, in 2 Corinthians 7:4, Paul says, “I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.” Even from his prison cell the Apostle Paul reminded Believers to be joyful (Philippians 4:4). Paul knew that God’s joy lasts even in the midst of our trials:

There are those who have it—and yet are continual sufferers. Everything that is supposed to be essential to earthly happiness, may be lacking—and yet their hearts may have joy that abides unbroken through all the pain and loss! (J.r. Miller).

Only God can give the inward joy, that is permanent, if you abide in Him. The world cannot give or take away this joy. The Apostle Paul firmly fixed his mind on Jesus. In fact, He knew that everything would turn out exactly as God had promised. And, because of Paul’s unwavering faith in God, he experienced this kind of joy.

The Bible says that the joy of the Lord, is our strength. Conversely, if we lack the joy of the Lord, we cannot be victorious in adverse situations. And, without this spiritual joy to preserve us, we will find ourselves fearful and weak. 

God’s joy strengthens us for struggle and burden-bearing. The Bible says that Jesus endured the cross for the joy which was set before Him. Although, He was not “happy” while being tortured and enduring a painful death, Jesus held on to His joy. This was because He knew He was accomplishing the will of His Father. And, through His blood sacrifice, the world would be reconciled to God. 

How to keep the joy of the Lord

When Satan tries to rob us of our joy or when we go through tests and trials, we can still keep the joy of the Lord in our hearts. On the condition that, we continue to abide in our Heavenly Father and stand firm on His Word. There may not always be smiles on our faces, but on a deeper level, we will have strength to endure whatever situation comes our way. This is because our confidence is in God, and we know that He will work all things for our good (Romans 8:28).


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