Psalm 91 Prayer Decree

No matter what we are facing in life, we should not allow fear to control us. Daily declaring Psalm 91 will  encourage you and affirm God’s faithfulness and protection over your life.

Psalm 91 Prayer Decree:

Father, the Most High God, I live in Your presence and find rest in Your shadow.

I declare that You alone are my refuge, my place of safety; Father, You are my God, and I trust You. For, You rescue me from hidden snares set by my enemies and protect me from deadly diseases. Father, like a bird protecting its young, You cover me with Your feathers and protect me under Your great wings. Your faithfulness forms a shield of protection around me.

I will not be afraid of trouble at night or of enemy arrows that fly during the day. I will not be afraid of diseases that come in the dark or sickness that comes at noon. A thousand people may fall dead at my side or ten thousand right beside me, but I will not be hurt! I will only watch and see the wicked punished.

Father, because I have made You my refuge and place of shelter, no evil will conquer me, and no plague will come near my home. You have ordered Your angels to protect me wherever I go. They lift me up in their hands, so I won’t fall and hit my foot on a rock. I have power to walk on lions and poisonous snakes and crush them under my feet!

Father, You save and protect me because I love You and acknowledge You as Lord. Whenever I call out to You, You answer me. 

Father, You are with me in troubling times. You deliver me and honor me. You reward me with a long full life and show me Your saving power, in Jesus’ name.

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