Printable Prayer Journal Pages

Photo of a person's hand writing in a journalIn light of the times we are living in, keeping track of the increasing number of prayer requests can become quite overwhelming. As a result, United in Christ ministries of Canton have provided printable prayer journal pages to assist you in managing your prayer list.  

Benefits of keeping a prayer journal 

Journaling not only helps you keep track of individuals and situations that are in need of our prayers. It also acts as a way of recording answered prayer. Furthermore, using a prayer journal allows you to see the relationship that exists between prayer and spiritual power. This is especially important if you sometimes doubt whether God answers prayer.

This prayer journal is divided into four categories:

  • Intercessory Prayer: Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others. 

  • Petitioning Prayer: This is the most common type of prayer, and it involves asking God for something. 

  • Listening Prayer: Listening prayer is when we discern God’s voice and listen to what He is saying to us. 

  • Bible Scriptures: Bible Scriptures is provided to help you incorporate God’s Word into your prayers.

Using the prayer journal pages is very simple:

  • First, record the names of people you are interceding for or situations you are praying about on either the Intercessory or Petitioning Prayer Journal Page.

  • Next, select a Bible Scripture from the Bible Scripture Pages, or one of your own, and include it with each written prayer need.

  • Then, record the results and the dates of your answered prayers.

  • Finally, during the times you perceive God is speaking to you, don’t forget to record His Words on the Listening Prayer Journal Page.   

Click here to access printable prayer journal pages.


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