Prayer Decrees for Forgiving Others

Father, in the name of Jesus,

  • I forgive (person’s name) as You have forgiven me. I am moving on with my life and releasing him/her to do the same.
  • I live for the future and do not allow the past to control me. I refuse to let anger and unforgiveness have a stronghold in my life that would eventually destroy me.
  • I release all hurts and give them to You. I will not allow them to hinder my walk with You or my relationship with my family and friends.
  • I close all doors that would give the enemy any openings to use against me, both now or in the future.
  • I release my mind from the lies of Satan and no longer allow him to have control over me. I put on the mind of Christ and daily keep my mind renewed in Him.
  • I walk in the victory of forgiveness, freely opening my heart to the Holy Spirit for cleansing. I guard my heart against the deceitfulness from the enemy and fill it with Your Word. It gives me power over the enemy when he tries to ensnare me.

READ MORE:  Forgiving Those Who Have Hurt Us



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