Pleading the Blood of Jesus

This is a photo of Jesus dying  on the CrossPleading the Blood of Jesus is a legal term which involves standing on the spiritual rights that are “legally” ours based on the work of Christ on the cross. To explain, Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Therefore, those who believe on His name, will be saved (Act 16:31) and enter into a blood covenant with God. Moreover, God’s covenant provides for every need that we have. including protection from Satan’s attacks.

The Blood of a lamb

The Israelites were instructed to apply the blood of a lamb with the branch from a hyssop bush. Then, they were told to apply it to the sides and top of the doorposts of their homes (Exodus 12:6). This signified the protection of their going out and their coming in. The Israelites would not receive the effects of the blood, without applying the blood with hyssop. In other words, the blood had to be applied to receive the benefits.

Acknowledging the power of Jesus’ blood

Similarly, our confession of the Blood of Jesus is our hyssop, so to speak. Revelation 12:11 calls our confession, “the word of our testimony.” This Scripture verse reads, “And they overcame him (Satan) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their life even unto death.” The hyssop, therefore, becomes the confession we make regarding the Blood of the Lamb. We will not reap the benefits of Jesus’ blood if we don’t acknowledge its power and apply it.

Protection under the blood

We must not take our salvation for granted and think that we are protected from tragedy just because we are saved. As a matter of fact, we can experience tragedy just like those who do not confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Should we die, however, we will be with the Lord in eternity. Although, it is possible for us to die before it is God’s perfect will for us. 

When we are sprinkled with Christ’s blood, we are totally under God’s protection against all the destroying powers of Satan. Moreover, when his forces see Christ’s blood on our door posts, they must pass over us, since they cannot touch anyone sprinkled with Christ’s blood.

Cleansed by Jesus’ Blood

The Blood of Jesus also brings spiritual cleansing to us. In other words, if there is any unforgiveness or sin issue that we are harboring, God’s Holy Spirit will make us aware of it. Then, we can seek forgiveness, as well as forgive others, as we apply the cleansing power of the Blood over us.

How to Plead the Blood of Jesus

  • Plead the Blood of Jesus over who or what you want protected.
  • Next, apply His blood against whatever could possibly come against you or the one you are praying for.
  • Then, seal the prayer with a statement of faith. To clarify, declare that God will protect you and your loved ones from all of the things over which you applied the Blood of His Son.

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For more detail, click on the books below.

Book Link: The Power of the Blood

Book Link: Applying the Blood