Keys to Activate God’s Healing for Your Body

There are several keys a Christian can use to activate God’s healing for their bodies and walk in divine health. God knows the agony and suffering that His children face, and He will never forsake His people. Moreover, as a loving Father, God desires that His children are healthy and healed from every kind of illness  (3 John 1:2).

This is why God allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to partake of human suffering on the Cross. He not only purchased our salvation but our healing as well (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). However, if we do nothing to activate God’s healing power, it will not be manifested in our lives. Listed below are some important keys to help activate God’s healing for your body.

Keys to Activate God’s Healing for Your Body

First Key: Repent of unconfessed sins

1 John 1:9 tells us to confess our sins. Unconfessed sins can be sins lingering in our lives that need to be addressed. If you have been actively praying and believing God for healing for some time and it has not come, it might be wise to seek the Lord and find out if your illness is a result of unconfessed sin. David said, “If I had not cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened,” Psalm 66:18. Also, James 5:16 reveals a relationship between receiving healing and sin: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

So, we should always ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and reveal any sins that must be repented of. We must then repent of these sins and ask God for His mercy and forgiveness (1 John 1:9) before we can receive His healing.

Second Key: Release unforgiveness from your heart

Forgiving those who have hurt us does not come naturally to us. In fact, forgiveness runs counter to our human nature and our desire for revenge. One of the most difficult things for us to do is to forgive those who have hurt or betrayed us. Yet, Jesus calls on us to forgive others. In fact, He included this command in the prayer that He taught His disciples: “…And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us,” (Matthew 6:12, NLT). Jesus also said that if we did not forgive others, God will not forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15).

Jesus demonstrated forgiveness when He asked God to forgive those who crucified Him (Luke 23:34). We give the enemy legal ground to bring trouble upon us (Matthew 18:23-35) if we refuse to forgive. This includes sickness and disease. However, God will help us, if we ask Him, to release all anger and bitterness toward those who have offended us. When we repent of unforgiveness, God will bring healing to our emotions and our bodies.

Third Key: Activate your faith in God and His Word

We can demonstrate our faith by declaring God’s promises, in His Word, that relate to our situation. To “declare” means to proclaim something by speaking it out loud. For this reason, we speak God’s Word so we can hear it. As a result, this encourages us and increases our faith that God will carry out His promises in our lives.

As we daily declare God’s Word over our lives, the spiritual realm aligns with our words. Furthermore, it pushes back all that opposes the manifestation of God’s divine will and purpose for our lives. Consequently, we can expect to see a complete shift in our circumstances, if we do not give up.

The Word of God is a ready shield and an effective weapon against the arrows and tactics of the enemy (Romans 4:20-21). So, remain fully persuaded that God will honor His Word, as you daily declare His promises.

Fourth Key: Plead the blood of Jesus over your health 

The term “plead” comes from the word “plea,” which is from the legal system. Lawyers make a plea (a formal statement of what they believe to be true) to the court and argue a case for their client. Pleading also includes a statement by the defendant explaining why the plaintiff should not prevail.

We can make our plea before God, our Heavenly Judge, in like manner. The shed blood of Jesus Christ gives us rights with God and rights over the devil (Hebrews 10:19-22; Revelation 12:11). So, the plea we make is based on the spiritual rights that are “legally” ours. 

When Satan’s forces see Christ’s blood sprinkled on God’s people, they must pass over them. Therefore, it is important to plead the blood of Christ over your body, your home and family for God’s protection. 

Click here to read: Healing Prayer Decrees


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