- Pornographic videos, magazines, books, internet, cable or satellite
- Music with content of profanity or violence
- Video games with demonic or witchcraft content or excessive violence
- Television shows and movies with occult messages, extreme violence, excessive foul language or explicit sexual content
- Books and Magazines related to false religions (Jehovah’s witnesses, Mormonism, Islam, New Age doctrines, etc.), focused on sensuality or death and destruction, incantations, spells, curses, Satanism, horoscopes, astrology, witchcraft, numerology, new age movement, and anything which encourages the reader to seek access to spiritual power unauthorized by God
- Demonic Jewelry—given to a person by someone in witchcraft, jewelry containing hex signs, ancient geometric and mystical motifs, charms designed to bring good luck, Egyptian ankh art jewelry, snake jewelry, zodiac jewelry, and pentagram jewelry
- Amulets / Talismans– lucky coins, four-leaf clover, wishbone, frog images, horseshoes, dream catcher hoops, Italian horn, miniature figures of protective gods or religious symbols worn, and gargoyles
- Occult & Witchcraft Items—fortune-telling—tea leaves, Magic 8 Ball, palm reading, crystal ball, tarot cards, Ouija board, Satanic ritual incense, dolls used for witchcraft and magic, voodoo dolls, witch’s masks and fetishes used by witch doctors
- Foreign Artifacts—Egyptian ankh, broken cross (peace symbol), oriental yin and yang symbols, African jujus, Italian horn, protectors from the evil eye, hand with index and little fingers pointing up, and mystic medals
- Material Related to Free Masonry and Eastern Star
- Any type of fetish—a magical object, an object of obsession, or an object arousing sexual desire (a statue, picture or poster of a famous person who sexually arouses us) fetishes and statues
- Idols–images of gods (Hindu deities, Buddhas, Mexican sun gods, Polynesian tiki statues, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, snake,
dragon, thunderbird, phoenix, owl and frog images of all types, and things that have become gods in our lives (collections, antiques, clothing, money, jewelry, etc.) - Statues or pictures of Mythological Creatures—dragon, thunderbird, phoenix, sphinx, unicorn, elf, dwarf, gnome, fairy, goblin, ghost, zombie, werewolf, or vampire
- Things relating to secret societies—Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Skull and Bones, Masonic aprons, books or rings
- Halloween items
- Some alternative medicine practices—healing touch, yoga, Psionic medicine, psychic surgery, polarity healing, gem healing, primal therapy, hypnosis, holistic pulsing, geopathic therapy, pendulums, acupuncture, cosmic energy, channeling, shamanism, Silva mind control, prAna, and pyramid power