How to Access God’s Room of Miracles

By Kathy S. Wilson

FotoFlexer_PhotoThe Lord has many blessings for His children. In fact, He even has a Room of Miracles. But for some reason, we do not always receive all that our Heavenly Father has for us. In some cases, we do not have the faith to believe that blessings are ours just for the asking.

What’s more, God wants to perform miracles on our behalf because He loves us so. To illustrate this, God invited me to His Room of Miracles. This spiritual “room” is open to us, yet I realize that some may be reluctant to enter his marvelous room in heaven.

The Lord invited me to this special heavenly Room of Miracles at 4:00 A.M. on November 7, 2011. I remember very clearly what happened that day.

Visiting the Room of Miracles

The Lord took me by the hand (His hand was HUGE!). As He held my hand, it reminded me of when I use to hold my son’s hand when he was a little boy. The Lord told me that He wanted to take me to a room. As we entered this room, I noticed that it was very large, very bright, and endless.

“Where am I?” I asked God.

“In the Room of Miracles,” He answered.

“What takes place in this room?”

“It is the place where My children are invited to enter and receive My miracles.”

“Are there any requirements to enter this room?”

“YES!” the Lord answered emphatically. “Faith and obedience are the keys. Doubt has no place in this room. Any form of doubt will immediately cancel the invitation to enter.”

As I looked around the room, I noticed every kind of miracle there was, including healing of every form of sickness and disease and restoration of body parts. Miracles upon miracles were revealed….the list was endless as was the room.

Instructions from God

A few weeks later after visiting God’s Room of Miracles, I witnessed a miracle in my own family. My adult son, Clement, was returning from a cruise and I was scheduled to pick his friend and him up from the airport on a Saturday evening.

As I was heading downstairs from my bedroom, I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Pray for Clement’s plane. Tell Clement to pray for his plane and tell Sharon (my sister, and Clement’s godmother) to pray for his plane.”

I noticed the time was 4:30 P.M. So, I sent my son a text message and instructed him to pray for the plane that he was boarding. Immediately after this, I sent a text message to my sister to pray for Clement’s plane.

After this, I immediately went into my prayer closet and prayed as God had instructed me to do. As I moved into my seer gifting, (A “seer” in the Bible is a prophet who has visions of the future.)

I could see my son’s plane ascending over the clouds and a huge hand holding the entire plane in its palm. I knew this huge hand was the hand of God. As I continued in prayer, I saw (in the spirit) the plane my son had boarded landing safely at the airport. As a result, I began to thank God and trusted that everything was fine.

A Miracle in the Air

When I picked my son up from the airport, he told me that he thanked God for having a praying and obedient mother. He said the plane landed at the airport and taxied only to the beginning of the runway where it stopped because of engine trouble!

The plane had to be towed to the landing gate. Praise God! I know it was the Lord who performed a miracle by holding the plane up in the air and then safely sitting it down on the ground at the airport. Hallelujah!

Keys to Your Miracle 

I know that this miracle took place because of our faith and obedience and praying as God directed. Even more so, I know this miracle took place because the Word of God tells us in Matthew 18:19 (NIV): Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

A Visit to God’s Room of Miracles 

The Lord recently reminded me of my first visit to the Room of Miracles. His miracles are available and awaiting manifestation. However, God said that His people say they believe in miracles, but many really do not. If they did, they would see more miracles occur in the earth.

Furthermore, God told me that His people are quick to say that He is the God of “more than enough,” but they lack the faith to believe that He will supply their needs.  If we do not believe that God is the God of “more than enough,” then we should stop saying it! If we don’t trust Him, then He is not required to move on our behalf!

An Open Invitation to the Room of Miracles

I have been to the Room of Miracles three times so far and I plan to visit it again and again and again! The beautiful thing about the Room of Miracles is that there will be times when we won’t know what type of miracle to seek God for, but the Holy Spirit will reveal to us what it is that we need in every situation.

My question to you is: Do you believe that God is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do? If so, all that is necessary to accept your open invitation to the “Room of Miracles” is to have faith in God and be obedient to His instructions. Then, enter in!

Hallelujah! To God be the glory!

Kathy S. Wilson is an associate of United in Christ Ministries of Canton, Michigan. She is also the author of It’s a New Day!: 31 Day Devotional, and The Faithfulness of Our God, both available on

READ MORE: Do you need healing?  Go HERE to listen to Kathy S. Wilson’s “Healing Prayer Decrees” audio.

READ MORE: Go HERE to listen to Kathy S. Wilson’s “God’s Blessings and Provision” prayer decrees audio. 



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