God’s Divine Calendar (Biblical Calendar) was established at Creation when He created two great lights. To explain, Genesis 1:14 says that the sun and moon were appointed for signs to mark the seasons, days and years. The original Hebrew word for seasons is “moed,” which means, “appointed time” or “appointed meeting place.” This word is also commonly used as the Hebrew word for “festivals” and “holidays.”
God established His calendar with the nation of Israel at the time of their release from Egyptian slavery. He instructed Moses to mark time by remembering their redemption from Egypt (Exodus 12:2). And so, their new calendar would no longer focus on the worship of Egyptian gods. Instead, it would be a perpetual reminder of the true God Who freed them from slavery.
Eventually, as time passed, the Israelites realized that God wanted them to perpetually observe certain religious events in history. As a result, they created calendars, over a period of time, to mark the months in which these events occurred.
The festivals on God’s calendar point to Jesus Christ
All of the festivals on God’s calendar have great significance for Believers because they point to Christ and God’s redemption plan. Equally important, Jesus fulfilled the first four of the seven feasts. However, many Bible scholars believe that the final three holidays will be fulfilled in connection to Jesus’ second coming. To read about each biblical month on God’s calendar and its spiritual significance, click on “Read More” below.
The Month of Shevat
The Month of Adar
The Month of Nisan
The Month of Iyar
The Month of Sivan
The Month of Tammuz
The Month of Av
The Month of Elul
The Month of Tishrei
The Month of Cheshvan
The Month of Kislev
The Month of Tevet
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