Do You Struggle With Prayer?

Do you struggle with prayer because you just don’t know what to say?

Is it safe to say that you don’t feel as if God will answer your prayers because you believe you do not know how to pray correctly? On the other hand, maybe you simply feel that your prayers aren’t powerful enough for God to answer. 

If you believe your prayers are not reaching God, then you may become discouraged and feel prayer is a waste of time. But, don’t give up. Here are 5 tips for strengthening your prayer life:

  1. Remember that prayer is communicating with God. Because we have access to God through Jesus Christ, we can freely pour our hearts out to Him just as Moses did. Exodus 33:11 says God spoke to Moses as one would speak to a friend. God certainly has more to tell us than we have to tell Him.
  2. Ask God, the Father, for His will in prayer. Rather than pray in uncertainty, quietly ask God, “What do you want me to pray for?” “What is your will?” If you are sincere in doing this, get ready for something totally awesome to happen.
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to pray. When we do not know what to pray, the Apostle Paul says that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray (Romans 8:26-27). When we ask God for His will in prayer, He relays it to us through His Spirit Who resides in us. So now, we know exactly what to pray.
  4. Recite the “Lord’s Prayer.” One day, Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. What resulted was Jesus teaching them what we know as the “Lord’s Prayer” (Luke 11:2-4). You can pray the exact prayer Jesus taught or use it as a pattern for your own prayer.
  5. Remember that Jesus Christ is praying for you. So often we forget that Jesus lives forever to intercede (speak to God) on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25). That means that as we struggle to pray, Jesus, our Great High Priest, is already praying for us. What a Loving Savior! Knowing that the Son of God is praying on your behalf should chase away your discouragement over prayer.

Hopefully, you will see that these 5 tips are guiding you to seek help from God, your Heavenly Father; His Son, Jesus Christ, your Redeemer; and Holy Spirit, your Comforter and Advocate. 

Having such strong and powerful help will build your prayer life in no time. Before you know it, your prayers will be flowing, and your prayer time will go from a struggle to an enjoyable meeting with the One Who loves you more than you know. 



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