Declaring God’s Word

God is faithful to His promises. What’s more, we can demonstrate our faith in God by declaring God’s Word and believing the promises He has given to us. 

To “declare” means to proclaim something by speaking it out loud. This means that we speak God’s Word so we can hear it. But, why is it necessary to speak God’s Word as opposed to simply praying something that we would prefer to pray?

Declaring God’s Word

Let’s look at 3 reasons why we should actively declare the promises that God has given us and what He has already decreed in scripture:

  • God, Himself, has declared that what He says will come to pass. This is emphasized in Isaiah 6:11, NIV, So is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Job 22:28 tells us, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” When we enforce God’s Word through our verbal agreement, our words become the bridge linking Heaven and earth. In essence, we bring Heaven to earth. And, when Heaven is loosed in our lives—or in the earth at large—things have to change.

  • We release God’s creative power when we speak His Word. Hebrews 11:3, NIV states, By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Just as God created a world that did not previously exist, God can create something that we have never seen or experienced. When we speak God’s Word, we are actually bringing His “new” into our lives.
  • We activate our faith in God and His Word. When we find scripture from the Bible that relate to our circumstances or receive a personal word that God has spoken, we become confident that God will carry out His promises in our lives.

Using Our Bow and Arrow

Declaring a Scripture or personal word that God has given us can be compared to using a bow and arrow:

  • An archer (a person with a bow and arrow) has a specific target in sight. In our case, the target is our specific need.
  • The archer aims his bow and arrow at the target. In our case, our mouth is the bow, and our arrow is God’s Word. Our target is our specific need.
  • Once the target is in sight, the archer releases his arrow and hits the bullseye. In our case, we release God’s Word from our mouth and it directly hits our circumstances.

As we declare God’s Word, the spiritual realm aligns with our words in the natural realm to bring God’s will to pass in our lives. As a result, we will see a complete shift in our circumstances if we do not give up.

God’s Word is a ready weapon against the enemy

Our declarations also serve to push back all that opposes God’s divine will and purpose for our lives.

It is essential that we hold God’s Word and His promises in the very forefront of our minds and thoughts. As a result, they are a ready shield and an effective weapon against the arrows and tactics of the enemy. Romans 4:20-21  (NKJV) says, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.”

As you daily declare God’s word, remain fully persuaded that God will do what He has said and that you will see breakthrough in your life.

Read More: Decreeing and Declaring God’s Word


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