Anyone Under a Curse Can Be Set Free

Many people suffer from all types of problems as a result of curses upon their lives. But, the good news is that anyone under a curse can be set free by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

What is a curse?

A curse is a demonic force that works to bring injury and destruction to those targeted. Moreover, a curse can keep people from God’s plan for their lives and His blessings. Proverbs 26:2 tells us, “As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.”  So, something was done, whether knowingly or unknowingly, for the curse to come. 

How do curses come?

There are a few main ways a curse can come:

  • Sinful activities: A curse can be the result of our own sinful actions or that of an ancestor. This is true even if the person involved in the sinful behavior has been dead for more than two hundred years. Time does not affect curses. Although we are not personally responsible for a sin a family member commits, the entire family line can suffer the consequences of that particular sin. This is why it is important to be knowledgeable about the sins of your ancestors.
  • Word Curses: Curses can come about through idle words spoken against you by others or from our own lips. Here are some examples: “I’m so dumb…I wish I were dead…You make me sick…You will never amount to anything…,” etc. James 3:10 tells us, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” In addition to this, Proverbs 18:21 warns us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
  • Possessions linked to the demonic: Objects associated with idolatry can bring a curse upon a person’s life (Deuteronomy 7:25-26). For this reason, we need to be careful of our purchases or the souvenirs we bring back from foreign countries. They may be associated with gods, fetishes or magic. Any object with occultic power brings demons to the owner.
  • Occult Curses: A curse can come from people involved in the occult. They use incantations or spells to invoke evil spirits to bring harm to a particular person, Then, a demon enters or attaches to the individual who is cursed. Unfortunately, the victims may or may not even know a curse has come against them.

Other causes for curses are listed in the Bible. See Deuteronomy 7:25-26; 27:9-26; 28:15-68; 30:15-20; Exodus 20:1-6; Malachi 3:8-9.

Problems caused by curses

Living under a curse can cause all kinds of problems. So, it is important to recognize whether you have been cursed so that you can seek God’s help in removing the curse. Here are some possible signs that you may be living under a curse.

  • Broken marriages
  • Repeated failure
  • Poverty
  • Incurable sicknesses
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Being accident prone
  • Family history of suicide or premature death
  • Infertility
  • Sexual perversion
  • Addictions
  • Compulsions
  • Violence
  • Rebellion
  • Mental illness and torment

How to break a curse

We have victory over evil because Jesus shed His blood on the Cross for our redemption (Galatians 3:13-14). As a result, Satan has been defeated, and the Church has been given power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

Therefore, Christians can use their God given authority against the enemy to break curses and deliver those in bondage, through Jesus’ name. As stated earlier, unrepentant sin brings a curse. So, the first step to breaking a curse off of your life or that of a family member’s is repentance. You must repent and renounce the sin that caused the curse to come. Then, the blood of Jesus washes away the defilement of the sin (I John 1:9) and the curse is removed. Whenever Israel turned from idol worship to serve the living God, the “curse” was broken and God saved them (Judges 3:9, 15; 1 Samuel 12:10-11).

A prayer to break a curse

If you believe, you are living under a curse because of some sin you have committed or some ancestral sin, pray this Prayer for breaking curses:

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You as Your child, redeemed and washed in the blood of Jesus. Moreover, I proclaim that I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints of God. Father, I repent of my sins (name them). Also, I repent of all the sins and occult practices of my ancestors and relatives (name them). Father, cleanse my family and me from all curses and familiar spirits passed on to us from our ancestors. I also ask to be cleansed from all curses that have come upon me from what I have done.  

Now, through Jesus’ blood, I free myself and my family from all curses that have been placed upon us. Father, I reject every evil spirit attached to our bloodline and command them to leave and never return, in Jesus’ name.

Finally, I declare and decree that all inherited portals and gateways to the demonic realms are closed and sealed by the precious blood of Jesus.



The books below are excellent resource on breaking curses. Click on the book covers to purchase them.